Wuhan City Pavilion and Kindergarten receives CHICAGO ATHENAEUM International Architecture Award

Wuhan City Pavilion and Kindergarten has received the 2023 International Architecture Award by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies. Established in 2004, the International Architecture Awards recognize the best new architectural designs worldwide.

The winning projects will be shown on a special exhibition “The City and the World” at the Contemporary Space Athens, Greece in September.

芝加哥雅典娜建筑设计博物馆联手欧洲建筑艺术设计与城市研究中心联合设立的国际建筑奖(The International Architecture Awards)公布了2023年获奖名单。由一树建筑工作室主持设计的汉口万科城市展厅及幼儿园项目荣获商业展厅类建筑大奖。

国际建筑奖(The International Architecture Awards)由芝加哥雅典娜建筑设计博物馆联手欧洲建筑艺术设计与城市研究中心和Metropolitan Arts Press公司于2004年设立,面向全球范围内的建筑师、建筑公司和城市规划人员征集作品,致力于表彰优质且意义重大的建筑、景观建筑和规划项目,发掘设计领域取得的新进展,突出当下前沿设计实践的发展方向。

作为本年度获奖作品,汉口万科城市展厅及幼儿园将于下月在希腊雅典当代空间举办的“城市与世界”( “The City and the World” )展览中展出。